Opera Naples values community collaboration and is proud to build lasting partnerships within our local community. 4,000 copies of the Opera Naples 2024/25 Seasonal Program Guide will be distributed to audiences at The Wang Opera Center, Opera Naples community events, Guild TOASTs, advertiser distribution and to the 5,000 attendees of the fifth annual Festival Under the Stars two-week long outdoor opera festival staged in Cambier Park February 27 to March 15, 2025. Our Program Guide reaches a select population of patrons of the arts, representing an affluent and cultured audience receptive to your messaging.
1st Print Run: October 25, 2024. Please provide display artwork as high-resolution PDF with fonts and graphics embedded by November 1, 2024.
2nd Print Run, Festival Under the Stars: January 31, 2025. Please provide display artwork as high-resolution PDF with fonts and graphics embedded by February 7, 2025.
Please email or call Jeff Walden at 321-326-6274.

Corporate Sponsorship packages also available for An Evening in Paris Gala and Festival Under the Stars.