The policies and procedures included in this document are a combination of recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the State of Florida, Collier County, the best practices that are developing in the performing arts industry, and the recommendations of leading epidemiologists and our Reopening Task Force. The purpose of these policies is to protect all ON staff and artists and to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This document will be updated as new information and understandings develop. Any changes or updates to this document will be communicated to all staff and participants and incorporated into this document. All program staff and participants will be required to follow these protocols and sign a document acknowledging that they have received, read, and understood these procedures.
- All artistic and production personnel are required to be vaccinated against Covid-19.
- No individual may enter the Wang Opera Center if the participant, a member of their household, or someone with whom the participant has regular contact has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
- Only symptom-free individuals may enter the facility. If an individual is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 as listed below or any other cold symptoms, the individual should not enter the Opera Center.
- Fever over 100.4 Muscle Pain
- Cough Chills
- Headache Sore throat
- Shortness of breath
- New loss of taste or smell
- Unusual rash
All program staff and participants will be required to adhere to the following minimum hygiene protocols:
- Hand washing: Regularly wash hands thoroughly for a minimum of 20 seconds with warm soapy water.
- Hand Sanitizer: Sanitize hands at least once per hour and after contact with high touch areas, your face, or another person.
- Exhalation: Cover coughs and sneezes even when masked.
- Masks: Unless otherwise instructed, wear masks indoors at all times.
- Contact: Avoid physical contact with other non-cohabitant individuals.
- Distance: Maintain a minimum of 3’ distance from other individuals when possible.
- Monitor: If you are feeling ill or develop any symptoms during the program, please immediately notify the program director.
All staff, contractors, artists, and other individuals who are associated with Opera Naples are divided into groups: administrative staff, production personnel, and patrons/guests. The Wang Opera Center has been compartmentalized into mutually exclusive environments to minimize contact across the different groups.
- Administrative Staff must enter The Wang Opera Center using the doors that enter the lobby from Linwood Ave. or the doors that enter the box office from the main parking lot. Areas in the building to which this group may enter include the administrative offices, box office, conference room, and main restrooms. Aside from performances, all other areas of the building are off limits to this group.
- Production Personnel (Singers, Orchestra, Creative Team, etc,) must enter The Wang Opera Center using the doors in the rear of the facility that enter directly into the theater. All areas of the building are accessible to production personnel except administrative offices, the conference room, the box office, and the main restrooms.
- Patrons and Guests are not permitted to enter the theater or any other areas where production personnel are present, aside from the performances.
- Masks must be donned prior to arrival and cannot be removed while inside, including while singing. Masks may not be removed at any time during indoor staging rehearsals.
- All individuals engaged in any given rehearsal will be required to always wear a face mask when inside the building, except for wind and brass players who must remove their mask to have the ability to play.
- Follow Hygiene Protocols as stated herein.
- Maintain 6’ distance from other individuals, when possible.
- Avoid congregating in groups, as much as possible.
- Cleaning frequencies and sanitation procedures have been increased in high traffic areas and high touch surfaces of the building such as doors, counters, and bathrooms.
- Singers may remove masks only when on stage. Singers must wear masks in the dressing rooms and other backstage areas.
- All other production personnel will wear masks during the performances except the wind and brass players who must remove their masks to play.
- Audience members are required to wear a mask during indoor performances and are encouraged to wear masks outdoors.